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Pay it Forward

If I can be real with you, I sometimes am shocked at how much I share on social media about grief and loss--a part of my story I never thought would be and a vulnerable side that sometimes seems odd to broadcast. It's somewhat strange to openly share about what is happening in my life with lots of people, yet I do it anyways. I think the world nowadays wants rawness and people to just be real. I've come to realize that social media is a place where we can encourage, rejoice with others, mourn with others, and feel connected to one another--I think it's great in a lot of ways. This journey of loss has become a part of my testimony and always will be, just like a lot your individual journeys have become a part of mine, as well. So, naturally, I felt the need to share again: tomorrow, June 6th, marks 3 years since David went home to with Jesus, which is completely mind boggling. It's been a hard and numbing week replaying all the "lasts" yet again. However, while I will still reflect on tomorrow, I've chosen to remember our last day together, June 5th, that was absolutely perfect. As I have probably shared in posts before, we spent the day in Austin and, then, ended the day on jet skis in New Braunfels. We loved every minute of it and it was such a great day. All week, though, I've felt a nudge to share about the importance of counseling and how much it has impacted my life throughout this difficult season. With the help of a couple that I love dearly, I began seeing a counselor a week after David passed away--yes, a week after. It was brutal those first few sessions, as the tears and shock of it all were so strong...but, those sessions have been so beneficial as the years (wow, that is weird to say...) have gone on. See, if you are willing to be a tad bit honest for a minute (and, hopefully, I don't offend anyone), you are maybe somewhat like me: you think counseling is for those people who reeeeeeaaaalllly need help. (Don't act like you haven't thought of some people who really need some help just now! :) ) It may be because I am naive or just thought I had my life pretty much "together", but I never actually thought I would see a counselor, let alone realize how beneficial and necessary it has been. Ironically enough, my own grandpa was a counselor, so I should have thought years ago about the benefits of seeing one! So often, I think people (whether they are a Christian, non-Christian, lower-class, middle-class, genius-level, a leader, etc.) don't realize the importance of mental health and having someone to help provide healing, wisdom, and guidance. I believe the Lord has given counselors the wisdom to help others heal their minds. We see doctors when we are sick, chiropractors when we pull out our backs, eye doctors when we can't see, and the list goes on... Yet, do we take time to think about our minds and how we may need someone to help us process traumatic life incidents, hurts, abuse, confusion, and even simple day-to-day matters? Whether you have had a hard life or you have had a pretty good life overall, the reality is that we all have minds; they could all benefit from a little help and guidance. I believe the Lord has used my Christian counselor to help me as I have grieved, dealt with the loss of my husband, made big decisions, and even made small ones.

Today, David's headstone was [finally] set and I spent over an hour visiting by him remembering our last day. I couldn't help but be reminded about how I want to do something to help honor him. You see, the last few weeks of his life, he actually began contemplating if he would want to become a counselor so he could help others talk through and work through situations in their own lives after having experienced a full restoration in his own. So, in honor and memory of my husband, and because of the gift of counseling my friends blessed me with 3 years ago, I would like to pay it forward: 1) If you have ever thought about seeing a counselor or have never given it the time of day, I encourage you to think about it now. Whether you are a family member of mine, a close friend, or are maybe someone that I don't really know that well, I would like to bless 2 different people with 1 counseling session taken care of by me. Yes, I know Covid-19 is still prevalent, so we will navigate that; however, my goal is that I could help you find a solid, reputable, Christian counselor in your area in the next few months and take care of the costs of that first session. I wish I could do more, but my resources are limited and I'm hoping God will bless my intentions. Regardless, if this resonates with you, please send me a message or e-mail me at I don't need to know why you want to see a counselor or how it goes after completing the session; I just want to help jump-start this for you to help others see how helpful it can be. 2) If you fall into another category where you are unsure you want to see a counselor, but might want to help provide financially to help another person desiring to see a counselor, please message me and I will send you information on how to give and bless someone else. 3) Lastly, if you do not want or need the help taking care of costs for a first session, but want a list of some reputable counselors in your area, I would love to help. Please contact me. Again, I do not need to know why you want to see a counselor or how it goes; I just want to help.

Depending on the responses, I will select the first 2 people who contact me. If I am unable to help you financially, I will help as much as I can to provide the resources you need. All in all, we are in this journey of life together and I'm grateful for the Lord and all those that have helped me as I have walked through this chapter of life. Love you forever and always, David Whitaker.

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