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  • Writer's picturealexisjoy

From My Heart

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

You might ask, "Why would Alexis have a blog?" I'm asking myself that same question right now! All I know is that I've had some suggest that I begin to write (let's be real: I need an outlet for all I have going through my brain nowadays) and so I'm going to do just that.

This will be a place to share my raw thoughts on loss, grief, good things, bad things, happy times, new travels & adventures, and anything else I experience in the months to come.

In a Moment

In a Moment. I went from being happily married to my husband, David, excited about our upcoming move to Kentucky, to a 28-year-old with no husband and my life completely turned upside down.

David and I were married October 21, 2016 and enjoyed 7.5 months together as a married couple. He had dreams to finish his Bachelor's Degree at the university he started at in Wilmore, Kentucky. He reapplied and got the word that he was accepted back into the school, so we planned to move to KY June 2017. He was to begin his schooling in August. We quit our jobs in Dallas, TX, turned in our apartment key, loaded everything into the moving van, said our goodbyes, and began the journey to Kentucky. We were on a brief couples vacation in Austin, TX before going on another brief vacation with his family to New Braunfels, TX. We had a perfect last day together exploring the state capitol and jet skiing together. The next day was me waking up to the realization that my 31-year-old husband had suffered a silent heart attack in the night and was gone.

All our dreams, plans, and life together completely gone in an instant.

Nothing can prepare you for that. I don't care how strong a believer you are, how strong you think you are as a person--nothing can prepare you when your world is shaken like that.

Here I am left with the craziness of life as it is. At that time, I had no job, no plans to continue the move to Kentucky by myself, and, most importantly, the man I loved and relied on as my earthly spiritual leader was not here to help me through everything.

I'm left now with the realization that things can change in an instant. Cherish the time you have with your spouse, kids, parents, etc. You really never know what tomorrow could bring.

“...for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”

I am reminded "that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28), yet I'm still waiting to see how any of this could be for my good. I know the Lord is faithful, though, and trust that He sees and knows my every thought, every tear that falls, and is holding me in the palm of His Hand.

Today, I miss David more than I ever imagined possible and am so glad I have the hope of Heaven when I will see my love again.

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